The Phantastic Theater presents "The Phantastic Zoo," a heartwarming story about the wonders of imagination, told through theater, dance, puppetry and symphonic music.
"Doctor Kaufman's Music Plays are like 'Peter and the Wolf on Steroids!'...wonderful, entertaining, educational - powerful explorations on 'living with imagination."
Join The Phantastic Theater for a thrilling concert event culminating in a new production of Doctor Kaufman's The Phantastic Zoo. Featuring theater, dance, streaming illustrative art, voice acting, "art-puppets" and full symphonic music.
Young artist, Sofia Rose Kaufman, dances and performs in this work and guest artist, dancer Dava Huesca, performs The Dragon Dance. Also featuring; the Dancewave dancers; Saxophonist Josh Sinton performing to Kaufman's entertaining animated film Story of a Tardigrade; and a visit with Australian composer/performer, Paul Groh, who creates work based on natural themes.
Total is 60 minutes of imaginative, educational entertainment.
Book your tickets below.
Activity Date | Ticket Options | ||||||||||||
10/30/2022 - 2:00pm |